From my living room window

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Digitization and English translation number:  No. 001
file size (MB):  22.9   ;uploaded date: 07/20/2021   ;link for download: download
Japanese explanation: 石丸自宅ベランダの電飾
English explanation:  solar powered LED string lighting along the fence of the balcony of Ishimaru, Minoh.

Digitization and English translation number: No.
file size (MB): No.  ;uploaded date: MM/DD/20YY  ;link for download: https://⋯⋯
Japanese title + original PUB year by Koba Tsugimori: text, YYYY.
English translation title: text
Japanese explanation: text
English explanation: text

Digitization and English translation number: No.
file size (MB): No.   ;uploaded date: MM/DD/20YY   ;link for download: https://⋯⋯
Japanese title + original PUB year by Koba Tsugimori: text, YYYY.
English translation title: text
Japanese explanation: text
English explanation: text

Digitization and English translation number: No.
file size (MB): No.   ;uploaded date: MM/DD/20YY   ;link for download: https://⋯⋯
Japanese title + original PUB year by Koba Tsugimori: text, YYYY.
English translation title: text
Japanese explanation: text
English explanation: text